Kode: BZ92
Shop a large selection of swimming goggles from Speedo Indonesia. Available for swimmers of all levels, the large selection of swim goggles will allow you to pick the best from the highest quality swim googles.
Harga: rp 45. rb
Kaca mata renang untuk segala umur dirancang ergonomic untuk ukuran orang Asia dewasa.
- Karet yang lembut dan nyaman
- Mengurangi kebocoran dan bekas memerah di mata setelah terkena air.
- Anti fog untuk kejernihan pengelihatan
- Fit dan stylish
- Melindungi mata dari sinar UV
- Tali mudah dirapatkan
- Dilengkapi dengan pouch
- LENS: Cellulose Proprionate, SEAL: Thermoplastic rubber, STRAP: Silicone, FRAME: Polypropylene
Warna: hitam, biru.
Often used in snow sports as well, and in swimming competition. Our swim googles is the benchmark of its product.